Music by Tom Kitt and Book & Lyrics by Brian Yorkey Directed by Lochie Beh Musical Direction by Stephen Dula 21-30 March 2024 The Living and Learning Centre - Level 1/180 Longueville Road Lane Cove Sunday 3rd November 9-2pm and Monday 4 November from 6.30pm Choice and fate collide in this romantic, original story of a woman at the crossroads of her life. If/Then simultaneously follows one woman’s two possible life paths, painting a deeply moving portrait of the lives that we lead, as well as the lives that we might have led. With unforgettable songs and a deeply moving story by the Pulitzer Prize - and Tony Award-winning team behind Next to Normal. Elizabeth, a city planner, moves back to New York to restart her life in the city of infinite possibilities. When her carefully designed plans collide with the whims of fate, Elizabeth's life splits into two parallel paths. If/Then follows both stories simultaneously, as this modern woman faces the intersection of choice and chance. If/Then is a contemporary Broadway musical about living in New York today and all of the possibilities of tomorrow. Exploring the paths and choices in life, focusing on self-discovery and the impact of decisions on personal growth. If/Then explores the complexities of relationships and how decisions impact the power between individuals. Elizabeth's story is one of courage in facing life's uncertainties and having to make difficult choices. Licensed exclusively by Music Theatre International (Australasia) Please prepare a song in the style of the show and bring sheet music with you. Please also prepare a suitable monologue of no longer than 1 min. Please bring your sheet music with you. Characters: Elizabeth: Late 30's/early 40's, an urban planner, newly returned to New York City Kate: 30's or 40's, Elizabeth's neighbour, a kindergarten teacher Lucas: Late 30's/early 40's, Elizabeth's college friend, a community activist Josh: Late 30's, a doctor and Army Reservist Stephen: 40's, Elizabeth's grad-school colleague, a city planner Anne: 30's or 40's, a paediatric surgeon Elena: 20's, a city planner CHORUS: Various Citizens of New York City |